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Bridge Program

Bridge students will take coursework and earn two academic credits in the five weeks before Wildcat Welcome.

Lab scene

About the Program

  • Bridge revolves around two half-credit “core” classes that all students take in common: 
    • “Introduction to Quantitative and Scientific Reasoning,” an interdisciplinary class introducing students to the methods and questions typical of STEM and other quantitative fields; and
    • “Introduction to Critical Thinking,” an interdisciplinary class introducing students to the methods and questions typical of the humanities and social sciences. 
  • Medill students take one additional full-credit class, “Introduction to Journalism,” introducing them to the basics of researching and reporting the news, with an emphasis on the city of Chicago. 
  • Weinberg students take a half-credit course, “Exploring the Liberal Arts,” in which professors from a dozen different Weinberg departments introduce the work done in their departments and its place in the larger Weinberg curriculum. They also choose from one of the following half-credit electives: 
    • “Problem-solving in Chemistry,” introducing concepts, habits of mind, and study skills essential to success in introductory general chemistry; 
    • “Problem-Solving in Economics,” introducing concepts, habits of mind, and study skills essential to success in introductory economics;
    • “Asking—and Answering—Questions in the Social Sciences and Humanities,” introducing students to the basics of research with an emphasis on the city of Chicago. 

Students who successfully complete the program receive two elective credits with grades.

2024 Program Dates

August 11 — September 13, 2024

VISIT THE Bridge webpage


For more information, contact Dr. Luke Flores, Assistant Director of First-Year & Transition Programs at