Northwestern’s Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences prepares you for success in a complex world.There is one defining trait of Weinberg College students and alumni: they embrace opportunities to change the world – in energetic, organized and impressive ways.
Career Outcomes
Weinberg College graduates follow their passions into a world of career possibilities. Get inspired by the diverse pathways that align with your passions and ignite your potential.
Art, Culture, and Expression
People pursue careers in museums, galleries, historical societies, digital arts, graphic design, advertising, and publishing. Some professionals work in diverse areas such as medicine, law, art history, business, education, government, non-profit organizations, and financial services.
Brain and Mind
People pursue careers in computer science, psychology, neuroscience, linguistics, philosophy, biology, anthropology, social work, social services, academia, and research, with many advancing into fields like medicine, law, education, counseling, healthcare, and technology.
Earth and Environment
People pursue careers across sectors like mineral resources, environmental consulting, government labs, academia, and specialized fields such as ocean, atmospheric, polar, high-elevation science, and space science, with some also branching into law, medicine, and politics.
Global and Intercultural Studies
People pursue careers in diverse fields like law, government, healthcare, international development, business, medicine, politics, education, non-profit work, human rights, social work, public health, urban planning, human services,and entrepreneurship.
Languages and Literatures
People pursue careers in law, business, medicine, education, nonprofits, government, politics, consulting, communications, marketing, international affairs, and museums. They also work in advocacy, human services, education, media, and the arts.
Math, Data, and Computation
People pursue career opportunities across government, healthcare, operations management, information technology, biotechnology, data science, pharmaceuticals, scientific research, development companies, banking and finance, sports, insurance, academia, and education.
Physical and Life Sciences
People pursue careers in research, medicine, engineering, government, academia, consulting,computing, public policy, law, and business. They also work in the chemical industry, biomedical sciences, genetics, ecology, biotechnology, agriculture, veterinary medicine, and military-technical fields.
Policy, Economics, and Business
People pursue roles in government, industry, finance, consulting, banking, law, media, non-profits, corporations, labor unions, marketing, education, and technology. People also work in market forecasting, revenue analysis, and cost-benefit studies in education, health, and transportation.
Social and Historical Inquiry
People pursue roles in anthropology, archaeology, international studies, museums, gender services, and education. Peoplealsowork in government, law, non-profits, healthcare, business, marketing, consulting, research, technology, politics, foreign service, and social activism.
Ask A Wildcat
Do you wonder where your academic path will take you? The Ask a Wildcat website provides answers and advice to specific questions from a community of over 80,000 Northwestern alumni.
Explore Your Interests at Weinberg College
Sam Rappin's opportunity to explore experiences was instrumental in his future path —from tapping trees to make maple syrup in a climate change class to studying sustainable food in Copenhagen.
His journey even took him to Sicily, where he climbed a volcano and tasted vegetables grown on volcanic soil. The people Sam met and the hands-on learning inspired his passion for sustainability. His advice? Pursue what excites you, and don’t hesitate to chart your own path.
Success Stories
Our students have gone on to become leaders in business, government, social services, law, science, education, medicine, media, and the performing arts. Meet some recent graduates and learn about their career paths.
Cody Gronewold (’21) is a financial analyst at Goldman Sachs
Cody Gronewold, who was an Economics major, is now a financial analyst at Goldman Sachs' Chicago office. He secured the position after interning at Goldman Sachs through Northwestern’s Chicago Field Studies program. The academic internship program helped him secure an internship during the academic year and learn about the finance industry through an accompanying seminar. "After two weeks, I knew I wanted to work there after college."
Parker Levinson (’18) is a PhD student studying wildlife biology
Currently a student at Montana State University, Parker Levinston has a degree in environmental science as well as African studies. After graduating from Weinberg, Parker worked on two different projects in Antarctica as a National Science Foundation grantee. There, she monitored penguins and seals, their breeding patterns, and how the environment affects their lives.
Northwestern taught me to be inquisitive and search for answers independently. I think that’s an important skill going into science and fieldwork, rather than having someone tell me what to do. I’m able to understand why things are happening and what it means for the ecosystem and build from there.”
Parker Levinson (’18), Environmental Science and African Studies majors
Daniel Kim (’20) works in data analytics for Walgreens
Daniel Kim ’20 majored in statistics at Northwestern and today is an Associate Manager in Data Analytics at Walgreens. After experimenting with a few fields of study, he discovered a corporate career path in the pharmaceutical space. He has found that working in the business side of healthcare has leveraged both his interests and skills.
Chicago Field Studies (CFS) is an academic internship program that matches over 500 students every year with over 250 employer partners.
CFS participants receive guidance on choosing internships based on their passions and values, navigating applying and interviewing, and succeeding in the professional world. While interning, students process their experiences in weekly CFS seminars, where they reflect on the place of work in their lives and the role of their industry in society.
Meet a Chicago Field Studies Participant
Through Weinberg's Chicago Field Studies program, Alexis Barber ('20) interned with Dana Rebecca Designs. The political science major where she learned marketing and sales – the skills she is using in her current job at Google. The head of the company became her mentor who noticed and nurtured her skills. Now, Alexis works on the YouTube team in a growth marketing role with small and medium businesses.
Explore just a few of the recent locations that Northwestern students have interned through Chicago Field Studies.
Advertising, Marketing and Public Relations
2112 Inc.
Agate Publishing
AL Media
BaKit Box
Brite Co
dArt Studios
Energy CX
EnVi Media
FCB Chicago
Glantz Design
Guerrero Media
Hunter Creek Investors
Intuit: The Center for Intuitive and Outsider Art
Magnificent Mile Association
Mikesell Digital Consulting
NBC Universal
Packed with Purpose
Quartermaster (formerly Loughran & Co.)
WE Global Studios
Banking, Private Equity and Financial Services
Alliance Growth Partners
Arbor Investments
ATOMS Venture Lab
Balmoral Advisors
Barnett Capital
Boyd Watterson
Brock Capital
CDI Global
CMD Global
CORE Industrial Partners
CW Growth Partners
Dresner Partners
ENO Succession
Evans Senior Investments
Goba Capital
Goldman Sachs & Co
Granite Creek Capital Partners
Heard Capital
Helios Healthcare Advisors
Hunter Creek Investors
Intrinsic Edge Capital
Keystone Capital
Kinzie Capital Partners
Legacy Pursuit
Madison Street Capital
Magnetar Capital
Merrill Lynch
Monroe Capital
Morgan Stanley
NextGen Growth Partners
Northwestern Investment Office
Northwestern Mutual
OCO Global
Parcrest Advisors
Premier Early Childhood Education Partners
Readystate Asset Management
Red Chalk Group
Renovo Financial
Riverspan Partners
Shore Capital
Shorehill Capital
Singerman Real Estate
Stewardship Partners
Tyree & D'Angelo Partners, TDP Fund
Vindelici Advisors
Willow Grand
XMS Capital
Y Analytics
Business Operations, Strategy and Management
Blip Energy
Bronner Group
Companies that Care
Energy CX
Foresight Design
Green Grahi
Growing Home
Magnificent Mile Association
McGuire Woods Consulting
OCO Global
Packed with Purpose
Red Chalk Group
Tell Health
Vous Vitamins LLC
United Airlines
Vindelici Advisors
WE Global Studios
Y Analytics
Zephyr Government Strategies
AL Media
Axxum Consulting
BRicK Partners
Bronner Group
CDI Global
Civic Consulting Alliance
Harbor (formerly HBR Consulting)
Helios Healthcare
Jarrard Phillips Cate & Hancock, Inc
Loughran and Company
McGuire Woods Consulting
OCO Global
OpenMarkets Health
Vindelici Advisors
Data Analytics, Market Research and E-commerce
American Association of Individual Investors
Blip Energy
Chicago Public Schools
Cures Within Reach
FCB Chicago
Feinberg – Preventative Medicine
Field Museum
Foresight Design
Helios Healthcare Advisors
High Jump Chicago
OCO Global
OpenMarkets Health
Open Water
Packed with Purpose
UChicago Urban Labs
Vindelici Advisors
Y Analytics
Center for Health Equity Transformation
Chicago Public Schools
Chicago Speech Therapy
Companies that Care
Family Matters
Field Museum
Gotham Scholars
Heartland Alliance
High Jump Chicago
Illinois Holocaust Museum
James B Moran Center for Youth Advocacy
Lurie Hospital School Services
Northwestern Prison Education Program
Raise Your Hand
Strategy for Access
The Talking Farm
Tuesday’s Child
UChicago Urban Labs
Upwardly Global
World Chicago
Environment, Sustainability and Renewable Energy
Blip Energy
BRicK Partners
Chicago Council on Global Affairs
Clean Peak Energy Group
Constella Intelligence
Delta Institute
Environment Illinois
Environmental Law and Policy Center
Evanston Office of Sustainability
Environmental Justice Evanston
Foresight Design
Growing Home, Inc.
Magnificent Mile Association
Metropolitan Planning Council
Open Water
Packed with Purpose
Peggy Notebaert Museum
People for Community Recovery
Seven Generations Ahead
Shedd Aquarium
The Talking Farm
Fashion, Design, Food, Music, Entertainment and Sports
2112 Inc.
EnVi Media
Magnificent Mile Association
Mikesell Digital
Government and Politics
AL Media
Ascend Justice
Bronner Group
Chicago Appleseed Center for Fair Courts
Chicago Bar Foundation
Civic Consulting Alliance
Environmental Law and Policy Center
Heartland Alliance
Illinois Coalition for Immigrant & Refugee Rights
Illinois Prison Project
Intersect Illinois
LBH Consulting
McGuireWoods Consulting
Metropolitan Planning Council
Northwestern Prison Education Program
Reform for Illinois
U.S. Representative Jan Schakowsky
Zephyr Government Strategies
Health and Medicine
Legal Council for Health Justice
Strategy for Access
Clinical Opportunities (Direct Service):
Chicago Speech Therapy
Edens Orthopaedic Center
Feinberg Department of Pediatrics
Fenix Family Healthcare
Institute for Therapy through the Arts
Kickstart Therapy
Lurie Children’s Hospital School Services
Shirley Ryan Ability Lab
Tuesday’s Child
Community Engagement and Public Health:
Edens Orthopaedic Center
Solidarity Bridge
Healthcare Consulting and Business:
EZ Clinic
Open Markets Health
Tell Health (a MATTER company)
Vous Vitamins
Non-Profit Management:
Danny Did Foundation
Research and Data Analysis:
Feinberg - Asher Center for the Study & Treatment of Depressive Disorders
Feinberg - Bioethics and Medical Humanities
Feinberg - Center for Community Health
Feinberg – Department of Medical School Services
Feinberg - Gastroenterology and Hepatology
Feinberg - Hitsman Lab
Feinberg - Institute for Global Health
Feinberg - Mothers and Babies
Feinberg - Osher Center for Integrative Studies
Lurie Children’s Hospital - Critical Care Clinical Research
NorthShore Hospital, Obstetrics and Gynecology
Northwestern Medicine – All of Us research study
Cures Within Reach
Science in Society
Youth & Health Education:
Family Matters
Housing, Transportation and Urban Services
BRicK Partners
Evanston Development Cooperative
Magnificent Mile Planning and Advocacy Division
Strategy for Access
The Talking Farm
UChicago Urban Labs
World Business Chicago
Human Rights, Human Services, Social Change and Corporate Social Responsibility
Ascend Justice
Asian Americans Advancing Justice
BRicK Partners
Center for Health Equity Transformation
Chicago Appleseed Center for Fair Courts
Chicago Council on Global Affairs
Chicago United for Equity (CUE)
Civic Consulting Alliance
Companies that Care
Cures Within Reach
Family Matters
Heartland Alliance Human Services- Refugee and Immigrant Community Services
High Jump
Illinois Coalition for Immigrant & Refugee Rights
Illinois Holocaust Museum and Education Center
James B Moran Center for Youth Advocacy
Legal Council for Health Justice
Lurie Hospital School Services
Northwestern Prison Education Program
Packed with Purpose
Raise Your Hand
Strategy for Access
UChicago Urban Labs
Upwardly Global
Y Analytics
International Relations
Chicago Council on Global Affairs
Law and Legal Advocacy
Ascend Justice
Blake Horwitz Law Firm
Chicago Appleseed Fund for Justice
Chicago Bar Foundation
Cook County Public Defender
Davidson & Seseri LLC
Environmental Law and Policy Center
Illinois Coalition for Immigrant & Refugee Rights
Illinois Public Research Interest Group
Injustice Watch
James B Moran Center for Youth Advocacy
Legal Council for Health Justice
Northwestern Prison Education Program
Rights and Restoration Law Group
Saper Law Firm
State's Attorney's Office
Public Humanities, Museums and the Arts
Agate Publishing
Field Museum
Illinois Holocaust Museum & Education Center
Institute for Therapy through the Arts
Intuit- The Center for Intuitive and Outsider Art
Magnificent Mile Association
Northwestern University Press
Shedd Aquarium
Technology, Entrepreneurship and Start-Ups
Blip Energy
SCAL Mobile
Meet Fellowship Winners
Meet just a few of the Weinberg College students and alumni who received Fulbright awards that allow them to teach, study and research around the world.
Ella Bartt (’23) is teaching English in Mexico
Spanish major Ella Bartt was a recipient of a 2023-24 Fulbright scholarship. The award allowed her to teach English at a high school in Tlaquepaque, part of the Guadalajara metropolitan area in the Mexican state of Jalisco. There, she uses the knowledge she gained as a Spanish major at Northwestern to help students build language skills and learn about American culture through classes, tutoring and a conversation club.
Robinson Markus (’19) is studying climate change and housing policy in Ecuador
Robinson Markus, a double major in Political Science and Radio/Television/Film is investigating housing, climate change and inequality in Quito. Through the award, he is examining a government program offering a relocation subsidy to residents of neighborhoods deemed susceptible to climate-related risks like landslides and urban flooding.
Weinberg Alumni Embrace Opportunities to Change the World
See how the school prepares its students for success.
Waldron Student-Alumni Connections Program
This program helps undergraduate students connect with alumni for career exploration and planning. It features programming such as alumni panels, industry-specific conversations, and professional skills development workshops.
This podcast features discussions with alumni around hot topics in careers, alumni profiles for students to learn more about life with an arts and sciences degree, and explore the ins and outs of different career paths. Explore featured episodes below.
This episode features a few clips previous alumni conversations highlighting their memorable experiences relating to their majors in the humanities and how those experiences helped in their future careers.
This episode includes clips from a panel on Nontraditional Paths in Science and Medicine with Yujia Ding ’14. Yujia goes into detail about how her background colored her time at Northwestern, and how those experiences allow her to connect with students and be a better teacher.
This episode includes an interview with Khoury Cooper, who talks about memorable political science and African-American studies classes. He also speaks on how an arts and sciences background impacts him as a lawyer today.
This episode features highlights from the career summit focusing on the changing landscapes in these industries. Speakers from all three fields discuss topics such as hybrid work, work-life balance, travel expectations, and more.