Learn about Northwestern, meet with members of our Admissions team and find answers to your questions.
In addition to on-campus visits and online opportunities, Northwestern also hosts programming centered around geographic regions. See below for an overview of options, along with a list of our territories.
Regional Programming

Northwestern Comes to You
Northwestern Comes to You (or, as we like to call it, "NU Comes to You") is a series of regional information sessions designed to help folks get to know us a little bit better. The NU Comes to You sessions feature a chance to interact with a Northwestern representative and ask questions about anything from the application process to being a student at Northwestern.

Coast to Coast College Tour
Northwestern has partnered with Dartmouth College, Princeton University, the University of Southern California, and Vanderbilt University as part of the Coast to Coast College Tour. At each of these group travel events, representatives will provide a brief overview of each institution, general information on admission and financial aid policies and a chance to speak informally with admission representatives.
For more information on upcoming sessions, and to register, please visit the Coast to Coast College Tour website.

Alumni Conversations
30-minute alumni conversations are available to students before they apply and are entirely optional—simply another avenue to explore what makes Northwestern special.
When requesting a conversation, students can indicate a preference for meeting with a member of one of our alumni Affinity and Special Interest Groups (ASIGs).
Learn More about Alumni ConversationsRegional Contacts
When applying to college, families can have questions that span a wide range of topics, from wanting to know more about Northwestern, to the application process, financial aid, and more. We know that the process can appear complex, especially for families going through for the first time, and our office is here to help.
We assign points of contact based on geographic regions based on a student's current school (or the last institution attended), which you can find below, along with information about events specifically for students attending school in your area.
Note: While we don’t treat demonstrated interest as a tally of touchpoints that carries weight in our review process, we do value our connections with you and are happy to assist.
Find your Region
The Illinois team works most closely with students in Illinois.
Contact the Illinois TeamMid-Atlantic
The Mid-Atlantic team works most closely with students in Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey, New York (excluding Upstate), North Carolina, Pennsylvania (Greater Philadelphia), Virginia and Washington D.C.
Contact the Mid-Atlantic TeamMidwest
The Midwest team works most closely with students in Colorado, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota, West Virginia and Wisconsin.
Contact the Midwest TeamNortheast
The Northeast team works most closely with students in Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York (Upstate), Pennsylvania (excluding Greater Philadelphia), Rhode Island and Vermont.
Contact the Northeast TeamSouth and Southwest
The South and Southwest team works most closely with students in Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Puerto Rico, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas and the U.S. Virgin Islands.
Contact the South & Southwest TeamWest
The West team works most closely with students in Alaska, American Samoa, California, Guam, Hawaii, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, the Northern Mariana Islands, Oregon, Utah, Washington and Wyoming.
Contact the West TeamInternational
The International team works most closely with students outside of the United States.
Contact the International Team